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La Gran Logia Unida de Inglaterra, abre la puerta a las personas transgénero

Nueva política de género de la UGLE. 
Un francmasón que después de la iniciación deja de ser hombre no deja de ser masón”

INGLATERRA.- Soplan nuevos aires en la masonería inglesa. La Gran Logia Unida del Reino Unido (UGLE, en sus siglas en inglés), formada únicamente por hombres desde su fundación en 1717, ha publicado una nueva política que admite a personas transgénero. Así, las mujeres podrán seguir en la institución si se unieron anteriormente a ella como hombres, mientras que un hombre que hubiera sido mujer antes de la transición también tendrá las puertas abiertas a esta sociedad que en su día fue secreta y hoy conserva la discreción. 
El grupo, aferrado a la tradición durante siglos, reconoce de algún modo que la cuestión del género femenino y masculino no está tan definida como creía. “Un francmasón (como también se denominan) que después de la iniciación deja de ser hombre no deja de ser masón”, afirma el comunicado de la UGLE, el organismo rector de la mayoría de los masones en Inglaterra y Gales que cuenta con 200.000 miembros.
Existen organizaciones masónicas femeninas o mixtas, pero la masonería llamada “regular” o “inglesa” sigue sin reconocerlas. Una persona que se una a una logia de este tipo debe ser hombre, pero una solicitud de una persona que “se ha convertido en hombre” debe ser tratada “de la misma manera que para cualquier otro candidato masculino”, según dicta la política de UGLE, enviada a sus logias locales hace dos semanas. 
Tras reconocer que vivimos en una “sociedad cambiente”, el texto ordena que los asuntos sobre “reasignación y transición de género” deben tratarse con amabilidad y tolerancia”. 
En Reino Unido han aprobado una ley destinada a prevenir la discriminación contra las personas que han sido reasignadas.
El texto ordena que los asuntos sobre “reasignación y transición de género” deben tratarse con amabilidad y tolerancia”
Gender Reassignment Policy


This policy sets out UGLE’s approach to the issues raised for Freemasonry by gender reassignment. It is intended to help guide Lodges in their decision making. It does not impose binding rules and although it gives some general guidance on discrimination law it does not constitute legal advice.
This Policy does not attempt to address all the issues relating to gender which may arise as gender reassignment and gender transition become more prevalent in a changing society and when they do they will need to be addressed in accordance with Masonic principles of lawfulness, kindness and tolerance.


It is important that any situation involving gender reassignment of a Freemason is treated with the utmost compassion and sensitivity and that the individual is supported throughout the process.
If a Freemason who is a member of UGLE wishes to change gender and become a woman we expect that the Freemason would receive the full support of their brethren. The privacy of the individual should be respected and there will normally be no requirement to inform the applicable Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Secretary or the Grand Secretary about this change.


A candidate for admission to Freemasonry under the jurisdiction of UGLE must be a man. Should a person who has undergone gender reassignment and has become a man apply to become a Freemason then his application must be processed in the same way as for any other male candidate.
Any qualified candidate for admission may be proposed for membership of a private lodge in accordance with the provisions in the Rules contained in the Book of Constitutions. No candidate should be subjected to questions about their gender which could make them feel uncomfortable.


A Freemason who after initiation ceases to be a man does not cease to be a Freemason.
We expect that Freemasons will act with compassion and sensitivity towards their fellow Freemasons.
We hope that no Freemason would engage in unwanted conduct relating to another Freemason’s actual or perceived gender reassignment or gender transition. Such conduct would not only be unmasonic but is also unlawful if it has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for, the victim.


A Freemason who becomes a woman is not required to resign from the Craft.
If a person resigns from the Craft then they and their dependants might no longer be eligible for some of the benefits provided by the Masonic charities now or in the future.


A Lodge may vote to exclude any member for sufficient cause. The following grounds would constitute unlawful discrimination and so could never constitute sufficient cause:
a. The fact that a member has legally become a woman;
b. A mistaken belief that a member has legally become a woman;
c. The fact that a member is in the process of transition from male to female; or
d. A mistaken belief that a member is in the process of transitioning from male to female.
Similarly a Lodge must not attempt to persuade a member to resign from the Lodge or discriminate against a member based on any of these grounds. A Lodge must not at any time require a member to prove that they are legally a man.


The law and what is considered best practice in this area are developing rapidly. This policy may be amended from time to time and so please ensure that you are referring to the latest version.

Date adopted: 17 July 2018