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FENIX-news Desde 1992

The Honourable Fraternity of Antient Masonry - The Order of Women Freemasons

Founded 1908

According to Masonic Tradition the first woman to be made a Freemason was the Hon. Mrs Aldworth of New Market, County Cork.

Born in 1713, she was the youngest child and only daughter of the Right Honorable Arthur St Ledger created Viscount Doncraile June 28 1708. Her father and brother were members of Lodge 44, an aristocratic elite lodge. In 1732, before the lady married, her brother Lord Doncraile became W.M. of Lodge 44 and was installed at a meeting held at the family home. The Hon. Miss St Ledger was a curious young teenager and she wanted to know what her brother got up to. At subsequent regular meetings of the lodge she is reported to have removed two bricks from the wall of an adjacent room and observed the first two degrees. She became so excited that she stumbled against a chair and was overheard by the Brethren of lodge 44.

For two hours she was held under the guard of the Tyler while the lodge debated her fate. She was offered the choice of death or initiation. She accepted initiation. She continued as a member of the lodge until her death at the age of 95 years.